Betrouwbare leraar
Singer, songwriter, and vocal coach with over 10 years of experience in jazz and contemporary music genres such as pop, soul, RnB, and rock. I graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels under David Linx and the Conservatory S.Cecilia of Rome under Maria Pia de Vito, specializing in jazz singing. Currently, I teach jazz singing at the Watermael-Boitsfort Academy in Brussels, having previously instructed ensemble singing at the academies of Marchienne-au-Pont and Evere. Additionally, I hold a Master's in music pedagogy and certification in Estill Vocal Training, a globally recognized voice method which I regularly incorporate into my teachings. My pedagogical approach emphasizes the development of body awareness and physical memory to nurture each individual's artistic uniqueness.
For students aspiring to audition for academies, conservatories, or television shows like The Voice, I offer a tailored program designed to meet these specific goals
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Online reputatie
- Leraar sinds januari 2019
- 1 herhaalleerling
- Geverifieerd telefoonnummer
- Verbonden met Facebook2043 vrienden
- Verbonden met Linkedin20 verbindingen