    Betrouwbare leraar
    Betrouwbare leraar
    Come learn programming essentials including algorithm, basic syntax, conditional statements, loop basics, and functions. These concepts are transferable to any other programming language. Throughout the course, you will create projects to apply the concepts you learn - very hands on! Basic Levels will cover: ------------------------------------------ Session 1: Algorithm Session 2: Basic Syntax Session 3: Object Session 4: Method Session 5: Argument Session 6: String Session 7: Loops Session 8: Variable Session 9: Function Session 10: Conditional Session 11: Event Advanced Levels will cover: ------------------------------------------ Session 1: Lists Cont’d and Tuples Session 2: Mutable and Immutable Objects Session 3: Dictionaries Session 4: Sets Session 5: Nested Loops Session 6: Classes and Objects Session 7: Modules Session 8: Algorithms Session 9: Webshop Project Session 10: Database Project * Languages: Python, C, C#, C++, Java, Javascript, and more.

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    • Leraar sinds april 2023
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