
Privélessen in Herten

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3 leraren in Herten

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3 leraren in Herten

Betrouwbare leraar: Do you want to work on classical repertoire? Do you want to learn songs from around the world or invent your own? do you want to play happy birthday to your best friend with a Cello? Let's explore together this beautiful instrument with pieces that you like, finding different ways to play one thing, becoming actors on the stage of music... Let's create games to develop creativity and technique, those that will help you to personalise your way of playing. With music, we learn much more than just playing pieces. I always thought about how the ancient Greeks introduced Music as an essential subject in school. Music was to heal, to entertain, to get to know yourself more. I'm just finished my studies in the University of Arts of Codarts (Rotterdam) and I can't deny I will always keep learning after finishing my degree. I'm looking forward to sharing some knowledge and to hear what you already know. What can i offer? Styles that we can work on: Classical, Folk, Jazz, Pop music. Languages that we can speak in the lesson: Dutch, English, Catalan or/and Spanish Skills that we can work on: basic techniques, jazz and folk techniques, play the cello while singing, percussion on the cello. How do I work? Each class will be individually prepared, in order to have the student goals in mind. In our first lesson we can get to know each other and then we will figure out what do you want and how can I help you. For BEGINNERS I teach the bow, finger positions and other basics with easy songs (with kids I add games to make it more entreating). Such as relating painting with playing, dancing with playing or literature with playing. For AVERAGE LEVEL we explore, with already some technique, how to play songs, finding a good sound and feel at ease with the instrument. Extra activities: Once a month I plan a rehearsal with pianist to work on some repertoire of cello and piano. Meetings with other students are also arranged to play duos together. It's very necessary to play with people and not get stuck in our own individual studies! Do you have doubts or need more information? Don't hesitate to write me a message!
Cello · Muziektheorie
Portugees · Nederlands · Engels
Nederlands · Russisch
Schrijven · Creatief schrijven (universitair niveau)
Resultaten aan het tonen 451 - 475 van 3080451 - 475 van 3080

Onze leerlingen from Herten beoordelen hun leraren.

Om de kwaliteit van onze leraren te kunnen garanderen, vragen we onze leerlingen from Herten om ze te beoordelen.
Uitsluitend de beoordelingen van leerlingen worden weergegeven en zij zijn gegarandeerd door Apprentus. Gewaardeerd 4.8 van 5 op basis van 59 beoordelingen.

Piano, solfege, compositie in Brussel en Leuven. (Leuven)
Giuseppe voelt perfect aan waar de knelpunten zitten, en geeft op basis daarvan deskundig advies, hij is een ervaren componist en kan daardoor zien welke positieve vaardigheden je bezit en waar aan moet gewerkt worden, en hij heeft daarvoor de beste instrumenten.
Beoordeling door PATRICK
Elektrische baslessen - Pedagogiek aangepast aan alle niveaus (Schaarbeek)
Zeer aangenaam en geduldig, je voelt je direct op je gemak. Structuur in de lessen, werkt aan de hand van een boek.
Beoordeling door MARILYN
Spaans, alle niveaus, voor tieners en volwassenen via webcam.
Leuk en erg enthousiaste les zin om door te gaan naar de volgende les !
Beoordeling door JEANETTE

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